
Zen and the Diary of a B&B Owner- Scott Barfield

Scott Barfield and his partner Helen give up security in jobs and set up a B&B in Brighton. This book collates all the guests, mishaps, requests and observations on human life along the way.

Set out in diary format, this covers a year from when they first got the B&B. (But if you are thinking of running a B&B this did not all happen in one year!) There are lots of funny stories about the guests they encounter asking for varying requests, the battle with the smokers as well as crossing the language barriers with many of their international residents. Think Fawlty Towers when it comes to the guests!

What made me laugh was the intuition that obviously built up into filtering their guests, so they only had the ones that were no trouble at all. Well appeared to be no trouble at all but you never can tell can you? A sixth sense which was highly developed by the end.

This book is funny in the main, and great for dipping in and out of, but there are some rather random rambling entries which to me were just a way of the author getting off his chest what he felt about a particular subject, whether it be global warming or politics. Those entries somewhat spoiled it for me. Though if you like books written by ‘real’ people who are experiencing life then this one would be a good book to add to your reading list.

I bought this book because it was on offer on Kindle – 70 pence instead of £9.99 for the paperback. I was that shallow about the book, I also loved the cover it is in a style that I like when it comes to some types of art. I think what I am trying to say is, I would have been disappointed if I had paid full price for it and although I am glad I read it, I am even more glad it only cost me  70 pence. 

I do like real life, behind the scenes type books, I am a fan of some of the books of the Babylon series, and I am currently reading Tessa Hainsworth’s Seagulls in the Attic, her follow up to Up With the Larks. I am enjoying the sequel and hope to have a review up here sooner than I think by the way I am reading books at the moment!