
My name is Jo.

This blog is in the main about books and that is what I started it for. I wanted a place to keep all my thoughts and lists together.

I started reviewing all the books I read, and publishing these reviews on Amazon back in 2007. But wanting to share my love of books and also find others who are as interested in a nerdy way about books and reading I decided to start this blog. So when it comes to books it will be about ones that I have read, reviewed and ones on the ‘to be read pile’ and also yet to be bought!

It will not necessary be about the books that everyone else is reading, about the books that are winning awards. It will be purely about the books that I like to read, whether it is historical fiction, romance, autobiographies, murder mystery, thrillers and even revisiting favourite children’s books.

When I first started reviewing and when I started this blog I was reviewing every book I read. However, other interests, computer access and time meant that I decided not to review every book I read. That way I was getting back to what I love the best – reading.

I do receive books for review from publishers. I try and read as many of the books that I get sent which pique my interest which is obviously not all of them, the rest I give away to other fellow readers to spread the joy of reading. However please note I tend to read them at my own pace unless I have plenty of notice if they are needed for a certain time frame. I am also more than happy to promote books or take part in blog tours.

Other interests – include; swimming; keeping fit; cooking; losing weight; crafts of all sorts; history and anything else that I think may be of interest to you.

Thank you for visiting.