Crafts · Knitting

More Knitting

I seem to be on a roll at the moment, with each post leading to another with a common theme – at the moment that is knitting!

I have mentioned on here and on other sites as well, about my mum knitting the Royal Wedding. This all stems from the book Knit Your Own Royal Wedding by Fiona Goble.

My mum has started quite a few of the key players in the wedding, but there have been various unpicking and reknittings of different outfits as well as body parts so they look a bit less scary! On one visit home, I remarked when seeing them all lined out on the floor in the spare room, along with other knitted dolls etc that some knitting disaster had occurred, and they were all lined up in the mortuary!

I though we would start with The Queen, (might as well start at the top) ever so in the news at the moment due to her visit to the Scilly Isles, her potential Derby winner (sadly only coming third) and the 59th time she will be at Trooping the Colour as a reigning Monarch.

Fiona Goble's Version of The Queen

Now nobody knew what she was going to be wearing on the day – so I suppose Blue was a fairly safe bet. But since then we know she wore yellow. My mum being ever correct unpicked the blue she had knitted and went with the yellow with her own version.

Other members of the day are being knitted, finished off  and the helpfully bought copies of Hello and OK! magazine are ensuring perhaps colours and styles are somewhat in keeping. Wanting to try something different from what was in the book and keeping with the royal theme and using the body patterns as a basis, mum went for the page-boy. (This still has a few more tweaks to be done apparently).

So far so good then, as more come to life, I will share with you. Now if only I could knit like my mum….